La rom MIUI sta riscuotendo sempre un maggior successo tra gli utenti Android: proprio per questo motivo, il progetto ha avuto una spinta abbastanza forte, portando gli sviluppatori a concentrarsi sul miglioramento di quello che era il progetto iniziale.
E’ da oggi disponibile la versione 1.1.14 delle rom MIUI compatibile con i device Android: potete scaricarla qui. La rom è in inglese, il che è abbastanza scomodo…quindi se siete interessanti a tradurla, vi invito a leggere questo articolo.
Di seguito invece il changelog ufficiale con tutte le novità e i bug fix:
- Optimisation to reduce power consumption when using 3G data (MI-ONE only)
- Fix sound problems with HD2 libaudio reducing sonic-boom effect problem
- Updated Galaxy S2 kernel for better optimisation / performance
- Fix problems with the Sim Toolkit icon overlapping with other items
- Optimisation for changing the default wallpaper, need to re-apply the default theme, see theme style > default (MI-ONE only)
- Optimisation of the application, new font based themes will be prompted to restart phone
- Fix problems setting ringtones through the system causing problems with FCs
- Optimisation algorythm, autofocus camera (with auto-focus open, see the camera settings) (MI-ONE only)
- Fix problem in some cases the camera application freezes / hangs
- Fix some issues with Camera silence when taking photos
- Optimisation of video thumbnail loading speed
- Fix in some cases third-party applications choosing to open via gallery for images causes FC
- Fix in some cases when clearing gallery thumbnail cache, the cache is not cleared
- Fix problem where gif animations are not loaded with the animation
- Fix in some cases the video thumbnail cannot be loaded (MI-ONE only)
- Optimisation of WMA, APE encoding formats
- Fix problem with file names containing punctuation, audio files unable to be played back
- Added support to backup local MMS
- Search optimisation settings, support for partial matched keyword searches
- Removal of LED settings for Samsung models because these models do not have the LED function
- Optimisation of the default navigation pane layout, optimisation of switching screen orientation to give more usable screen space
- Optimisation to significantly improve page zoom fluency
- Fix micro-channel audio card issues
- Fix problems starting up the barcode scanning app (MI-ONE only)